3 Stupid Things I Have Actually Witnessed People Get Mad About

I’m sorry — it’s your “constitutional right” to do WHAT?

Lisa Marie
9 min readJul 27, 2024
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

Have you ever seen someone get mad about something minor? Something that made you step back and go, “Wow, is this really a reason to get this up-in-arms? Are you okay, sir? Do you need to be put down for a nap?”

Well, speaking as someone who has worked with the public for over ten years in multiple capacities, I sure have.

That’s not to say these public meltdowns aren’t enjoyable to witness to some degree. In fact, if you go on YouTube and search “public meltdowns,” you’ll find a plethora of “caught on camera” footage of people flipping their crap. These videos tend to attract a lot of views — sometimes in the millions. People just really seem to love laughing at people acting like idiots in public.

But what about those meltdowns that don’t make it onto YouTube? The small-scale, everyday meltdowns nobody films but we witness in real-time? Those tantrums are every bit as funny, but we never really hear about them.

Until now. For the remainder of this article, I’m going to tell 3 mini-stories about people I have personally witnessed getting mad over something minor. While this is by no means an exhaustive list (I work with the public — I’ve got…



Lisa Marie

College instructor + sometimes retailer writing about life, pop culture, and social issues from the POV of a left-leaning elder millennial.