My Life As an ‘Angry Atheist’

Gosh, I’m just so negative all the time!

Lisa Marie
8 min readSep 13, 2024
How I probably appear in the minds of some. (Photo by Jason Hafso on Unsplash)

Earlier today, I was casually scrolling through my Medium feed and stumbled across a recent article from Lilith Helstrom in which she discusses a common assumption from some Christians that atheists are “hateful”:

Lilith’s article goes into some of the misconceptions Christians have about atheism, and why some atheists may come across as somewhat combative regarding their lack of belief. I won’t delve too much more into the specifics of the article — go read it for yourself if you’d like to know what she said. I’m not Lilith, so I can’t speak for her.

Nonetheless, the article made me giggle. I recently came forward as an atheist, something I discussed in an article of my own back in April:



Lisa Marie

College instructor + sometimes retailer writing about life, pop culture, and social issues from the POV of a left-leaning elder millennial.