Two Cruise Ship Passengers Fail to Return On Time — So Their Teenager Left Without Them

And they still didn’t understand what they did wrong.

Lisa Marie
6 min readJun 8, 2024
Photo by Daniele D'Andreti on Unsplash

Edit: Hi, all! In light of a few comments, I wanted to clarify the use of the singular “they” and “their” in this post. The teen in question never revealed whether they are a guy or a girl in the original Reddit post, so in the absence of that information, I just said “they” to keep it simple. There is no other reason beyond that.

That is all! Enjoy the story :)

Sometimes, the internet is a gift that keeps giving. I’ll stumble across an article or think piece that leaves me rolling in laughter — that is, once I finish picking my jaw up off the floor.

Yesterday was one of those times. I was on my phone’s Google app, scrolling through my suggested news articles in an attempt to unwind after work. A Yahoo News article from this past Thursday (June 6, 2024) immediately caught my attention: it was regarding a recent Reddit thread on r/AmITheAsshole in which an anonymous 18-year-old inquired if they…



Lisa Marie

College instructor + sometimes retailer writing about life, pop culture, and social issues from the POV of a left-leaning elder millennial.