Why Am I an Atheist?

Prepare to be disappointed by my answer.

Lisa Marie
3 min readApr 2, 2024
Photo by William Farlow on Unsplash

In late 2022, I wrote an article in response to a social media post I saw in which I outed myself as a “spiritual white lady.” When I wrote those words (and yes, that is exactly how I described myself), I completely meant them. I was a Reform Jew with some New Age leanings — while I was never “all in” with the latter, it was something I was into.

To date, this is one of my best-performing articles. I still get claps on it now and again, just like I still to this day get attention for my “I Was Raised Working Class” series (which I quietly let die, as there are only so many ways I can talk about growing up unmonied).

Now, nearly a year and a half later, that is no longer true. I’m still very much Jewish — yes, Jewish atheism is indeed a thing — but the “spiritual” part is no longer true.

I formally came out as an atheist in early 2023. Not to everyone in my life, but to the people I interact with the most.

It went over well. Truth be told, I don’t think many people were surprised. I’m an elder millennial — statistically speaking, millennials and Gen Z are less likely to be religious than previous generational cohorts. So, one could chalk it up to me being some millennial snowflake who is raging against the machine or whatever — and I’m sure…



Lisa Marie

College instructor + sometimes retailer writing about life, pop culture, and social issues from the POV of a left-leaning elder millennial.